With a possible recession looming, there are several reasons why you need a staffing agency now in this economy. As an employer, you are likely evaluating the bottom line. You may even be looking for ways to tighten the proverbial spending belt. Your hiring process is no exception.
The economy may be uncertain, but let’s look at ways that staffing agencies help you mitigate risk:
Flexible Hiring Options
Layoffs are stressful for everyone, including employers. You may not be sure what your company will make next quarter. Hiring with a fluctuating budget creates anxiety. Staffing agencies give you the option of hiring the workers you need with flexibility. You aren’t ready to bring someone on full-time? Hire a temp. Do you need a smaller amount of monthly services? Bring in a contractor. An uncertain economy means looking for ways to get creative with hiring and eliminating the risk of layoffs down the road. This not only saves you money but also protects your company’s reputation in the long run.
Lower Hiring Costs
Hiring is expensive. According to Workable, the average cost of hiring a new person is a little over $4,000. It takes a lot of time to sift through resumes, do interviews, and fill in the gaps while you wait to hire someone. Additionally, costs like background checks and subscriptions to job posting sites can add up. This doesn’t include extra monetary commitments like training and onboarding. A staffing agency rolls those costs into one predictable bill. Additionally, your time to hire will be shaved significantly. Our process is tried and tested to bring you the fastest results possible with minimal overhead.
Payroll Assistance
Staffing agencies give you the ability to outsource your payroll. This cuts accounting costs and removes the constant burden of ensuring all governmental tax requirements are met. SVS provides payroll services that markup your candidate’s pay rate. The markup covers taxes, worker’s compensation, and W2 forms. This simplifies the process for you, allowing you to have one invoice and less work.
Better Retention
Finally, hiring is only the initial part of the process. If you hire the wrong person, you start the process again. SVS has trained experts to help you find the right fit, the first time. Because we hire for multiple industries, we know what to look for in a candidate for each role.
Now Is the Time – Conact SVS Group to Get Started!
If you need to make a quick hiring decision or are struggling with payroll costs, don’t wait. Prevention is the name of the game. Now, especially in this economy, you need a staffing agency. You don’t have to compromise on quality candidates because of budget. SVS clears the fog and helps you find solutions that work for you. Take a look at some of the placement services we offer. Let our recruiters guide interested candidates through the hiring process and advocate for your company. We are experts in building rapport and matching people in the right roles. Call or email our office today!