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Up-skilling and Re-skilling Your Team: Here’s Why Its Essential

Up-skilling and Re-skilling Your Team: Here's Why Its Essential SVS Group

With vast changes in today’s workforce, up-skilling and re-skilling have become a vital part of staying current. Not only does up-skilling improve your employee’s performance, but it can also increase retention. Investing in a culture where your employees are learning can also help you attract new talent.

Here are the benefits of up-skilling and re-skilling, and why it’s essential.


Tools like AI and new software have increased output and changed the way people work. To keep up with the fast-paced demand, employees must utilize new skills. Even if your employee has been doing the same job for a decade, adding to their skillset will increase the value they bring. This will also close the skills gaps between what your employee knows and what they need to know to advance in the future. Up-skilling also means that current employees will be able to train new employees in learning more efficient ways of working, saving time and money. 

Company Culture

Constant improvement is something that is translated into company culture by fostering an environment of education. When you invest in your employee’s skill level, you increase their chances of job satisfaction. It is a practical way to show that you care about their career and not simply their job. In fact, according to Hurix Digital, 39% of U.S. employees consider growth potential as a contributor to employee satisfaction. This type of culture will also attract high-quality hires that are excited to grow. 


The way people work changed during the pandemic. Because of this teams and employers had to become creative. Teams that up-skill are more likely to be able to pivot in unforeseen circumstances. Up-skilling and re-skilling mean better overall service and stronger problem-solving skills. When your employees are current on the latest developments in their job, they will be more likely to produce quality work even when they are met with challenges. 

Staying Ahead 

Finally, we all know stories of companies that were once big but ended over time because they refused to pivot. To stay relevant in the marketplace it’s important to have employees who know how to utilize new skills to increase your customer base and remain current. Whether it’s innovation in marketing or simply using a new operating system, even simple up-skilling, and re-skilling methods can have big payoffs. Your employee’s ability to stay up-to-date keeps your company and its brand up-to-date. 

Ways to Invest 

You can invest in up-skilling and re-skilling in several ways. Employee education programs allow employers to pay for continuing education at the employee’s choice like signing up for a local class. Attending industry conferences or providing on-site training is another way to train multiple employees at once. Sites like LinkedIn Learning allow employees to study at their own pace and earn certifications. Each department may have different needs. Be sure to include your employees in the process so they have a sense of ownership. 

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